Friday, November 7, 2008

My Supplement Staples

Supplements have been around for a long time. They work great but you've got to remember that they are a SUPPLEMENT to your nutrition plan and not a magic pill or potion.

It suprises me that there is still so much confusion surrounding supplement use and what supps are required for an individuals needs.

Here's and example of my current supplement use:

Protein Powder- I go through a 5 pounder of Whey Fusion in about 2 weeks. I use it in breakfast shakes when I'm running late. I drink it pre and post training, and I also drink a big 3 scooper in the middle of the night when I wake up to take a leak.

Waxy Maise-This supplement has been around for a while and used to go by the name Vextrago. It is a high molecular weight carbohydrate. So what the hell does that mean?
It passes the stomach very quickly and it pulls water and other nutrients with it. It is unmatched as post training carb source. It's also an easy way to get a lot of carbs in if you are trying to gain mass.
I take 1 scoop pre training, 1 scoop during training, and 3 scoops post training.

Beta-Alanine- This amino acid is cheap and easy to add to your supplement regime. This amino helps you build new muscle proteins. Which means a leaner more muscular body. It also helps your muscular endurance. I've broken more rep records in my training than ever before using beta.
I take 1 tsp pre-training, and 1 tsp post-training.

Creatine- If you haven't heard about the strength and endurance gains that creatine help you get, then you better stop living in your cave. It's been around for a long long long time. It is NOT steroids. It will NOT make your balls shrink, it will NOT cause water retention. Wake the hell up.
I use CX-3. I take 3 caps pre-training, 3 caps post-training and 3 caps with breakfast on non-training days.

Z-test- This is THEE ulitmate MAN supplement. It is a Zinc, Magnesium, vitamin B6 complex and tribulus. Tribulus is a herb that tells your body to produce more of it's own natural testosterone. I always feel well rested, have crazy vivid dreams and fell frisky as hell with my Z-test. It's very popular for older guys too. It helps you feel the "love" again. If you know what I'm sayin'
I take 6 caps before bed. I live on this stuff.

Neo-Lean Fat Burner- As I'm ramping up my nutrition and trying to be a lean 240lbs for the LW worlds, I've been adding in some extra morning cardio and Neo-lean is my fatburner. Its strong enough to keep me feeling alert and energized on the stair climber at 5:30am and I can also notice that I stay warm and sweat a little bit all morning.
I take 2 caps before my morining cardio with a double espresso, and I take 2 caps in the afternoon when I start to feel lazy.

And last but definately not least.....

L-Leucine- This is the most important of the BCAA's (Branched Chain amino acids) It helps keep your body in an anabolic state. This is important if you are trying to gain muscle, deal with a lot of stress and/or do a lot of endurance training.
I take 5g pre-training, 5g during training (with my waxy) and 5g post training.

It seems like alot, but let me tell you I'm progressing forward like never before, I'm lean and I feel unstopable under stress.

1 comment:

D said...

Nice. I was going to email you about what supps you take. What about multi-vitamin/fish-oil/glucosamine?

I've been using beta and leucine for a couple weeks and they make a noticeable difference.