Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New President

So, all the hoopla and hype will finally come to an end and the americans will find out over the next 4 years if they chose the right man for the job. Unless you've been living in a basement gym you're probably aware that the U.S. presidential election was yesterday. And even here in Canada it seems as if the campaigning has been going on for at least the last 2 years.

Well, I'm glad its over.

Here's a great work-out plan if you are in a hurry and have nothing but yourself and a few feet of floor space.

Burpees X 10
Push-ups X 20
Sit-ups X 30
Body Squats X 40
Jumping Jacks X 50

Here's a sample of good Burpees

Try and do 3 sets without any rest between exercises.
If you really want to test your mettle do 3 sets with no rest at all.

To make this interesting lets see who can do 3 sets the fastest. Video your work-out and email it to me.

The winner will get a free UF serious about strength T-shirt.

Show me some speed kids.

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