Friday, November 28, 2008

Bangin' the iron pile

Last night we had a great session. Of course, ironically it was on the bench press. Everyone loves to bench eh?

Things started out a little loose but as we got through the warm-ups we pulled it together. It must've been a combination of the "shut up and lift" mentality we all seemed to have and the fact that the gym was busy as hell and all eyes were upon me. The pressure was on for me to put up, as I can never seem to shut up.

I want to welcome "Kapow" to the 300 club. He put up a pretty solid stroke on 3 bills at the tender age of 16. Nice work buddy.
And he did it after all his work sets on the 5/3/1 method. Leave it to the young bucks to want to go big all the time. (It was supposed to be a down set)

I've got a very special guest coming to the blog very soon. (hopefully later today) So stay tuned for a great interview.

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