Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yeah, What Dave said.

If you've known me for any amount of time since I've really gone over the deep end for strength and performance, (shortly after I caught myself covered in oil, wearing a banana hammock on stage in front of large crowd) you've probably heard me talk about a guy named Dave Tate. (And if you haven't heard of Dave then you better set up an appointment with me immediately so we can cover the basics......)

Anyways, Dave keeps his training and life in general log on his website and recently he's been spending time supervising his son in kindergarten class. He's started a series of articles about observations made in kindergarten and how he applies those lessons to our everyday adult life. I have found it very entertaining and insightful.
32 things I learned in kindergarten

This week he talked about "that person" that always seems to get in our face and blabber on about something we really don't give two shits about, putting you into an awkward situation of, "do I tell them to piss off, or just stand here in agony and listen?". It prompted me to quickly evaluate my own behaviour and habits. (thanks Dave)

Something that is on my plate daily that this lesson can be applied to is our impending location change in Renfrew. I get asked daily about when we are moving. Hell I've been asked twice this morining and it's ten after 7 am.
I often have to apply Dave's lesson #14. I just give my best guess and it usually makes me feel okay. But after so many set backs I now don't give a strait answer at all. Because I just don't know when we will move. I know we will, but I don't know when.

So after all the rambling here's a training montage to help get your blood boiling to train your ass off.


How about that 590 raw bench. (black t-shirt, huge goatee, watch it again, it's the last frame of the clip)

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