Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Let's get one thing straight..........

I'm gonna start by saying that what I'm about to say may offend you.

It's blows my mind how many people, both male and female walk into our gyms or talk to me on the street and make a comment along the lines of "Oh, but I don't want to get big bulky muscles" 0r "I'm already big enough, I just want to tone".

What the fuck makes you think you are just going to walk into the gym, pick up a barbell and instantly explode into a rippling mass monster?
This guy just started last month

I've been at this game for over 10 years. I've had a strong desire to be a "rippling mass monster" from day one and let me tell you from experience that it's not easy to get "big bulky muscles". It takes huge commitment to training, eating and the "get huge" lifestyle. By NO means do I feel like I am there yet, but I work hard week in and week out, stuffing myself with food and training like a madman even when I'd rather be at home in bed. (wait a minute, there's no place I'd rather be than training my ass off at the gym or at Pete's Garage.) So it's a little bit of a piss off when people assume that they will end up looking freaky after they've spent a month in the gym.

99% of the people I deal with in the gym and personal training business, just want to lose fat, be healthy and look good naked. I have no beef with that at all. It's actually something that I admire in all of our clients. They've taken the step forward to making themselves look and feel better by hiring us to help them. But just to reassure everyone, even if you trained as hard and as heavy as possible for a full 12 months, chances are you won't have to have the door frames widened in your home due to growing a pair of shoulders that block out the sun. And that's assuming that you're nutrition, rest and recovery are all spot on.

Next time you come across a massive freak of nature, ask him or her how long they have been working at becoming what and who they are.

1 comment:

Curd Hos Bench Freak said...

Damn Right

Curd Hos

Bench Freak
