Thursday, November 6, 2008

Not Just For Girls

I run a fitness BOOTCAMP. We have based it loosely on crossfit style training.
It's a crazy work-out. I often use the WOD's (work out of the day) for my cardio intervals. It's no joke. I'm often beaten to a sweatty pulp and feeling my muscles screaming from head to toe.

If these work-outs can kick my ass and make my muscles burn why is it that the average male gym rat turns up his nose at our bootcamps?

Lately there has been more and more guys trying it and loving it. They get leaner and build muscle at the same time. Let's face it, the average guy primarily wants to look better with his shirt off, and that's exactly what getting leaner and building muscle does.

These BootCamps are not just for the ladies!

They will kick your ass guys, I gaurantee it.

I think a men's night is in order. An introduction to the best goddamn 45 minutes of training you will ever find.

I can't wait to see the look of dispair and the change of attitudes after the first men's night.

Does this work-out look like it's "too easy for a man" or "only for women" ???

So....are you ready to try my BOOTCAMP now?

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