Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Never felt Better

I've always tried to follow my instincts in terms of how I feel when training. If I'm feeling really good, I go all out. Try to hit a PR whether it be in reps or weight.

If I'm feeling a little off, I usually just soldier through as best I can and get the job done. This usually means going all out anyways and often ending in disappointment due to missed lifts.

I've always understood that a deload is neccessary every so often to allow the body and nervous system some time to recover from the pounding they have received in the past 3-4 weeks.

I've planned many deloads into my training but the mistake I've always made is that I don't plan the work-outs during the deload. I usually just leave my training log in the office and say something along the lines of, "I'm gonna take it easy tonight and train bodybuilding style". This is what I feel has lead to missing the boat many times on the deload.

I've recently been following the 5/3/1 method for the raw lifter from Jim Wendler's III manual .

Without spending an entire post on the method, lets just say it's a "Keep it simple, stupid" type method with minimal workload for maixmum strength gains.
(I want to mention that this manual is the shit for trainees of any skill level and is super easy to follow. If you are serious about getting stronger then you must own this book.)

The part that I feel has made a big difference in my success is that I trust Jim's knowledge and have just shut off my brain and followed the method exactly the way it's laid out.

So last night was the first real deload day for deadlifts. The deads were easy but got me sweatting, I killed my accessory work and even the prowler felt easy.

Best of all I woke up this morning and was able to get out of bed pretty easily. (Usually the morning after deads I struggle to sit up in bed or even move for that matter)

I have to say the deload was great and I'm glad I was able to let go of my ego and just do what was written on the page.

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