Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Aftermath (Recovering from the Safety Squat Bar)

Well, just as I expected the Safety Squat Bar blasted the crap out of my back, hips and quads.

Sometime around 3pm yesterday things really started to tighten up. The penguin walk was starting to develop from some seriously tight legs and man was my upper back tight.

Obviously if you want to get the most out of the next training session, not to mention be able to function at work the next day, you need to take some action on the recovery front.

Drum Roll Please!

If you haven't heard or used a foam roll, check it out here.

Now that we are on the same page, let me tell you why I feel the foam roll is so damn important to a quick recovery.

Because I've used it many times and it works!......DONE DEAL

I rolled out my quads (or I.T. Bands for those of you that like to get technical), my groin, my upper and lower back, I even rolled way up onto the traps. Standing up after the 10 minutes of restorative work, I can immediately feel the difference. My legs are still tender but I can move very freely and even drop into a deep oly squat position with ease.

So why are you still limping around for 2 days after your crazy squat session?

Grab a foam roll, recover faster and keep moving forward in the quest to be BIGGER AND STRONGER. (or in the case of most ladies just stronger and sexy looking)

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