Monday, November 17, 2008

Wild Weekend

Yeah, what makes for a crazy weekend for me may have most people snorring due to boring. This weekend we left the house early and headed for Toronto in a rented box truck.

I was on a mission to deliver a shiny new pair of Prowlers to the brand new athletic facility at Upper Canada College. Now you are probably scratching your head and thinking, "never heard of that college before", and that's because it's a private boarding school for high schoolers. I'm not sure how long it's been around for but I saw team pictures on the wall dating back to the 40's.

Anyways, the important thing is that the athletic department now has 2 prowlers that will be helping them get their athletes in peak condition like never before.

When we arrived a couple of the coaches from the school wanted to have a prowler session to try them out and asked us to join them. Of course it was pouring rain. No problem they have a bubble that covers half of their turf football field. unfourtunately for us the weekend security gaurd couldn't access the light switches so the bubble was out. We sucked it up and did a bunch of pushing pulling and suicides in the rain.

It was a great prowler session despite the cold soaker we were experiencing.

Here's what I did on the prowler:

Thick rope hand over hand pulls (100') into a low handle sprint (100') X3

15yd suicides (high/low handles)

1 suicide race against one guys training with us. (Yes I won, and my prowler had an extra 50lbs on it)

Tonnes of fun and a long late drive home.

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