Friday, November 21, 2008

Tastes Like Kevin Bacon

The title comes from the last song I heard on the radio on my way to work this morning.

How important is having a good sound track to fuel your training?

I didn't think it was too important. As long as it wasn't the talking of lame ass DJ's on regular radio when I was about to attempt a heavy set or a sweet slow song about love or sadness, I was usually okay.

I make it a habbit to keep my training playlist stocked with the likes of Sabbath and Slayer. Hatebreed is also good back ground noise when trying to train your ass into a pulp.
But I never really rely on having "the" perfect song playing at any given time. I try to keep focused on the lifts and the music is just background noise.

It is common to hear guys whining about having to train with really shitty music playing and how it ruins their session. I guess everyone is different but c'mon, how dependant can one be on the music?
I definately agree that a good playlist helps, but the lack of good riffs should not be reason to throw the session down the toilet and act like a spoiled Trust Fund Boy.

Now when performing cardio music is becomes a very integral part of my ability to work hard.
I hate doing cardio on any of the typical gym machines. (treadmill, bike, stair climber) My "Hard as Fuck" playlist is a staple of my cardio sessions. And the other night I found out just how important it is. My ipod ran out of battery power.
My speed dropped instantly and even my best efforts to speed back up seemed helpless.

I guess to conclude here I will just have to say don't be a baby if the radio is sucking when you are lifting iron, and make sure your ipod is charged up with good muzzak and battery power before you climb onto that bike for some intervals.

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