Monday, May 11, 2009

What were they thinking?

I've gotta start this one out with a topic unrelated to training, but more related to the lack common sense.

I got to the gym this morning and started my monday opening routine. Set up the debit machine, check for leaks, check to see if we have any clean towels to put out (usually never), and then head to mens locker room to dump the massive heap of dirt towels that builds up saturday night and sunday. Today was a bit different, before I even went to the change room I noticed that the laundry hamper was out in the hallway. So I expected a pile of dirty towels on the floor.
But thats not what I found. Nope. I found the garbage can to be loaded with dirty towels and garbage. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING? DON'T BE SO GODDAMN LAZY. If you are too tired from your training just throw it on the floor. But the garbage can was loaded.
Very nice.

And moving right along, I want to give a shout out to my training partner Beartrap. He travelled 6 hours to compete in 4 events at the Woodstock Strongman. Every time you compete, you learn many valuable lessons about your skills, your strengths and weaknesses, and how well you prepared for the comp.
I just want to point out to you Trap, that you will shit your pants a few times, but hopefully you've got things figured out now. Saying and doing are 2 entirely different things.
Learn and move forward.

I've got a few good vids that I'm almost done editing and should have up on our website soon. Yes of course I will post them here too.
Especially once I get a hold of the video Shane made this weekend at Montreal Barbell, where he benched 600lbs. Congrats on the 600 club douchenstein. (among other great feats achieved this weekend)

And now it's time to blow my own horn. I bench pressed a PR of 385lbs RAW, on sunday.

That's pretty much it. I'm looking for someone to give me a great performance on the prowler and show us how well they deal with the prowler flu. To sweeten the deal. The first guy to push it till he pukes, will get a free T-shirt from me when we get a new batch.

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