Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Shouldering a load

For a lot of you out there, what I'm going to cover here is common knowlegde and pretty much goes without saying.

But for some, this is your wake up call!

Quite often, I have people (mostly men) tell me about how their shoulders are really sore and explain how the pain is near the front of the shoulder, right near the armpit.
My first response is usually a question. "How often do you perform rows, chins and face pulls?"

They answer, "what the hell are face pulls? I just bench 4 times a week and pump my biceps for 1 hour every day."

This is why your shoulders hurt kids. If you bench, a lot, and pump the gun show, you most likely have strong pecs and biceps. These muscles over power the smaller and neglected muscles of the upper back. The shoulders are also going to get a shit kicking from your horrible bench press form. This leads to what the doctors and science people refer to as "shoulder impingement". (They think they're so cool using their big book words)

How do you know if this is your problem?
1, You have a hunch back
2, Your shoulders almost touch together in the front
3, You walk around with imaginary lat syndrome
4, You bench press more than 2 days per week
5, Your upper arms are bigger than your upper legs
6, You always wear long pants to hide your peg like lower legs
7, Okay, I'm getting a little carried away, but I think you get the point.
8, shitty posture throughout the day

What can you do to avoid or reverse this problem?

-Make sure you do a lot of rows, and chins.

-Chins can be done almost everyday, even if it's just a set or 2.

-Make sure you get as much rowing volume in your upper body day as you can handle.

-Superset all your bench pressing with face pulls.

-Stretch the hell out of your pecs and biceps. Stretching your imaginary lats is probably a good idea too.

-Stop benching so goddamn much and let those sore shoulders heal up.

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