Friday, May 8, 2009

The Long Haul

How long have you been hitting the iron pile? How long has it been since you seriously began training, with direction and a plan? A plan that has either been well thought out, or built by a fitness professional.

The reason I'm asking, is because lately I've noticed a lot of people in my gyms that are frustrated and dissatisfied with there results after only a month or three.
And these are people that we are working with directly and I know for sure there training is well planned and they are working hard.

Everyone wants to get to there Ultimate goal as fast as possible. I know I do. But the reality is, it often takes much longer than we ever expected. (If they reach the ultimate goal quicky, they've probably set there sights too low and/or have settled for less than desired result)
I've been at this game for over 10 years and I still haven't reached my ultimate goal.
The key is to set that ultimate goal, know exactly what it is, and then work backwards and set many smaller goals that will move you towards the ulitmate goal.

The timeline is different for everyone. How fast things happen depends on YOU. (and don't you ever fucking forget that!)
It depends on how much YOU are willing to sacrifce, how much YOU are willing to listen, who YOU surround yourself with, how strict YOU keep your eating habbits, how often YOU show up for your training sessions.
The speed of your success rests square on YOUR shoulders.

Set a small reachable goal, set a deadline and then do whatever it takes to get that goal completed. Start piling these little goals one on top of the other and over a period of YEARS, you can reach that ultimate goal.

Now that we've got that clear.

Have a great weekend.

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