Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oh No, Here Comes The Snow

Well, the snow has started to fly in Renfrew County (Canada) and I'm already worried I'm gonna miss pushing the prowler.

For most of us in Canada and the northern U.S. prowler season is pretty much over. So here's my alternatives to pushing the lambo (our gym prowler is Lambo Orange so I call it the lambo):

-Rower sprints, we usually run 500m and 250m sprints with 2-4 minutes rests in between sets and work up to 3 sets of 500m when we are really pushing the conditioning and fatburn.

-Barbell, Dumbbell or Kettlebell complexes, the variety that's possible here is vast. You can blast your conditioning and work any weak points at the same time. I like to pick about 5-6 movements and blast out 5-10 reps per exercise as one giant set, usually completeing 3-5 rounds of the complex.

-The Ulitmate BootCamp WOD, when I'm in a hurry or looking for a change I'll throw down the WOD. Why not? I've usually pushed our campers through it twice during the day so it's fresh in my mind. It also gives me more arguing power in bootcamp if I do the work-outs too.


D said...

Hey Paul, I'm rigging up my snow shovel to the front of my prowler-like device to kill 2 birds at once. It'll probably fail successfully but it's worth a try.


Paul Vaillancourt said...

That's not a bad idea Darren.

Maybe I can come up with a special eddition Canadian winter prowler with a plow and sander built in.