Thursday, October 30, 2008

Train Like a Badass, look like a Badass

Okay, enough is enough.

I heard it again yesterday.

"I don't need to train my legs, they are already big enough, I just want to work my chest, arms and shoulders. Oh and I want a six pack too."

It's my job to not take a shit on these guys and throw it up in their face that they are skinny, weak and running around on a pair of chicken legs.

So I'll lay it down right here.

If you want a jacked up upper body, you need a jacked up lower body to put it on.
You also need to work harder than all the guys that look the way you don't want to look.
You need to to do the training sessions that everyones hates to do because it's "too hard". Cry me a river, captain upper body.

Have you ever seen a house get built from the roof down? Not me.

I even used to work construction and I always saw the heavy and solid foundation get poured first.
And the work involved in building that foundation sucks. But guess what? If badass training was easy, everyone would look good.

Now I'm not saying you should ignore the "chest, arms and shoulers", but for lucifers sake, train your lower body too and train like someone has a gun to your head.

Lets take a look at some of the more well know badasses out there today and compare their training to yours.

Marius Pudzianowski, 5 time worlds strongest man. This guy not only kicks everyones ass in strongman competitions, he also puts to rest the idea that strongmen are fat slumbering slobs. He's about as jacked as they come.

Unfourtunately I couldn't get an interview with him about his trainning, but it is widely know that he performs many squats and deadlifts, as well as standing barbell pressing and olympic lifts as part of his non-specific strongman training.

He also performs excruciating conditioning work as part of his strongman specific training.

Marius did not get to where he is by doing Dumbbell flys and triceps kickbacks.

Brock Lesnar, former WWE superstar and current UFC competitor. If you didn't think this guys was the craziest form of a human you have ever seen from the first time you saw him....just log off here right now.

Not only is Brock a giant alien from another planet, he can also back up the tough guy image in the octagon.

I'm gonna let you watch some of his training for yourself.

Brock's training program is a little bit different that what we're used to seeing in the average gym, but the key is that it's hard goddamn work, and he aproaches it like a man on mission.

So, get off the seated triceps isolator machine and pick up a barbell, pick up a sledgehammer, hammer the heavy bag and train like a baddass.

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