Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Healthy Eating Article By Nutritionist Jayson Hunter

Eating Healthy During the Economic Crisis
Registered Dietitian Offers Nutritional "Bailout" Plan

Eating healthy is often determined to be too expensive for the average person. Fast food and foods loaded with fat and sugar tend to be inexpensive and always at hand.

Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter has created some tips for healthy and affordable eating. He is calling it his Nutritional Bailout Plan.
"Too many people think they can't afford to eat healthy, especially during this Economic Crisis", according to Hunter. "That's why Iwant as many people as possible to know about these tips for eating healthy."
The following healthy eating tips will help anybody lose weight fast during this Economic Crisis:

1 - Choose seasonal fruits to save on grocery bill costs with your grocery bill. Out of season fruits can add a good chunk to any food bill.

2 - Buy in bulk and freeze what isn't needed. This is easy to do with meats. When buying ten chicken breasts it lowers the cost per pound of chicken. Freeze the rest of the chicken that isn't going to be eaten in the next few days and then thaw what is needed for the next meal when necessary. Same idea works for beef and hamburger.

3 - Pay attention to sales. Many times, eating healthy can be easily accomplished just by focusing on special offers and coupons.

For more information on how to eat healthy during the Economic Crisis can download a FREE copy of Hunter's Rapid Fat Loss Starter Kit. It will help any person who wants to lose weight fast.

It is available free of charge at: Carb Rotation Diets

Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS is a registered dietitian and personal trainer with over ten years of experience. He specializes in helping men and women overcome the damage done by dangerous fad diets, so they can lose weight fast in a safe and healthy fashion.

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