Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Empty Jugs = Success

I've been saving all my empty protein jugs since I started dieting in September.

I've got a shit load of them. I am actually suprised by the amount of Whey Fusion that I have gone through.

A long time ago, when I was just getting started and interested in taking care of my nutrition in order to improve my fitness results, I bought my first ever jug of protein.

It was a 2lber of Pro-Lab Whey. Strawberry flavour. I bought it at the nutrition store in the mall near my apartment.

Now keep in mind, at this time I was in college, on my own dime, no loans. Just my hard working future wife and my 3 part time jobs to pay the bills. So when I went out on a limb and bought some protein, I wanted it to last a while, because it probably took a big chunk of my monthly budget to buy that 2lbs of whey. I used to make sure the scoops were perfectly level and took every action to not spill or waste a single grain. I also remember rinsing the cup out and drinking the diluted "left overs". I only drank a shake after training, no matter what.

I was conservative. I don' t remember exactly how long that 2lbs lasted but I know it was way longer than it should've.

Empty Jugs = Success.

Somewhere along the line (probably when I started to have a few extra bucks), I realized that the protein powder wasn't doing me any good sitting in the jug on top of the fridge. It only helps build muscle and lose fat when you eat it. (or drink it)

Before I was so proud to have that full jug of protein on top of my fridge. Now I'm proud to have a massive stack of empties on top of the fridge. (And I stopped buying 2lbers long ago)

Not only do I have the empties, I also am starting to develope the physical attributes that I so badly wanted when I was younger.

So to summarize, buy a jug of Whey Fusion, eat it, drink it, whatever. Lift weights, sleep, repeat. Success doesn't happen over night. It's a long journey, and I'm loving every step of this journey.
These guys have some empty, but they ain't Whey Fusion

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