Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Baptized By Fire

I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy

Fire is really starting to piss me off.

I've already talked about our ordeal. It sucks.

I don't know all the details, but a house down the street in my neighborhood burned last Sunday night. I saw the fire department finishing up on my way to work last monday morning.

It put things in perspective for me as I thought about how much more it would suck if it was my home that burned and not my business.

I really feel for these people as they lost there home and I hope that nobody lost their life.

Dave Tate's log post sums it up real well. http://asp.elitefts.com/qa/training-logs.asp?qid=87551&tid=

Lesson learned.

To lighten things up a bit. I did 100reps of chins on Sunday and by the beard of Zeus is my back feeling it. It took 10 sets.

I'm gonna piss the group off tonight when I announce we are gonna do 100reps of GHR.

Check us out on Wednesday walking around like a bunch of penguins.

All in the name of Strength.

No I don't smoke weed.......anymore, just love this song.

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