Friday, January 9, 2009

Slackin ?

Well I hope this post will mark the end of my blog slackin'. I've now got a computer in both offices so there is no excuse.

Do you have any definative goals for 2009?

I'm not talking about some bullshit new years resolution. How about something measureable?

I'm assuming that if you are reading this blog you are at least slightly interested in strength. Why not figure out what your biggest weakness is and test it somehow?

Lets use grip strength as an example. You have a really shitty grip. You are the king/queen of the deadfish handshake and you have trouble holding 35lb DB's when doing lunges.

Lets test it out. How long can you hang from a chin-up bar? What's the heaviest gripper you can close?

So now we have a baseline. Get to work with a plan. Start with the end goal and work backwards to where you are now. Set out mini goals along the way and deadlines to achieve them by.

The same system can be applied to any weakness. Bench, deadlift, whatever.

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