Monday, January 26, 2009

Put Your Head Down and WORK!

Today's title is inspired by my excuse for not posting more frequently lately.

January is always a busy month in the fitness business and I've been putting my head down and getting the work done. Plain and simple.

This mantra can also be applied in your training.

Instead worrying about picking the best special exercises or compiling perfect rest periods and tempo's, just pick a couple of the big 3 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Military Press) and get to work.

Last week on our squat night, we used what's called the boring but big template from Jim Wendler's III manual.

The boring but big calls for the main exercise (in our case squats) to also be the accessory work. So after our Max Effort squats, we deloaded the bar and did 3 sets of 10 squats. Crazy, I know but by the beard of Zeus it blasts the legs and just about everything else. And in the last month I've noticed some size increase in my legs.

It's not exciting but it works. Hence the name "Boring but Big".

Less talk, more Rock.

1 comment:

Nathan Donahue said...

did you just use the term, "blast my legs"? You are turning into a butt shaving, banana hammock bodybuilder again Paul!