Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Have you heard the song thriller enough times yet today?
The radio jockeys love to beat that to death.

I'm gonna use this occasion to talk about the "costumes" we see on a regular basis in the gym.
I have compiled enough data from watching the gyms for the last 4 years as well as being in gyms for many more, that I have categorized some training habits and personality traits that go along with the type of "costumes" people wear to the gym.

Cardio princess: This girl is usually decked out in a new or near new lulu lemon or equivalent outfit, that probably cost more than her gym membership. Her hair is perfect, as is the makeup and she may even leave the treadmill to check on the status of the hair and makeup during the work-out. The princess doesn't sweat much, if at all. She is generally blessed with the ability to not work hard but still maintain a decent physique. Often times the Cardio Princess is more concerned with looking good and checking out the men than the work-out.
The Adonis: This guys is usually sporting a wife beater or sleeveless shirt. Adonis usually has decent arms and shoulders and is fairly lean. He loves to look at himself in the mirror. It is typical for Adonis to wear accessories such as an armband MP3 player and training gloves.
(ED note: Training gloves are fucking Ghey) The training regime of an adonis is usually focused on arms, chest and shoulders. He can also be seen doing forearm work and calf presses. Adonis only uses the squat rack for doing barbell curls. His focus is usually split between watching his triceps while he does pushdowns, and checking out the Cardio Princesses.
Mr./Mrs. Sweaty: They are usually wearing regular shorts or jogging pants and a loose T-Shirt. This person is usually a little on the heavy side. They come to the gym with the sole purpose of losing some weight. The work their but off on the treadmill and usually keep to themselves.
Mr/Mrs sweaty are usually doing a decent job on their training but are often turning a blind eye to the weights as they feel that cardio is the only thing that can help them lose weight. They've also been sighted doing some ab work at a furious pace in a corner by themself.

Social Stanley: The social stanley dresses much like mr/mrs sweaty. Jogging pants and a t-shirt. They can also be found at the gym in regular street clothes, becuase they are not going to get much of a sweat going. Their prime directive is to chat it up with anyone that will listen. It is best to avoid eye contact with social Stanley as he/she sees this as an invitation to give you a detailed description of their day. Social Stanley has been known accesorize with a newspaper or magazine. (This is in case no-one will listen to them)

Alan All Business: This guy comes to the gym in shorts or jogging pants, a t-shirt or sweatshirt and brings such accesories as a training journal, lifting belt and chalk. He's got his training planned out and written down. He gets in, works his balls off and gets the hell out. Alan All Business is the guy that usually has the physique he wants as he works hard and trains smart.
The strongest guy in the gym is often also an Allan All Business. Of course there are many combinations of the above stereotypes and most people are not purely of one type.

What "costume" do you wear to the gym?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Train Like a Badass, look like a Badass

Okay, enough is enough.

I heard it again yesterday.

"I don't need to train my legs, they are already big enough, I just want to work my chest, arms and shoulders. Oh and I want a six pack too."

It's my job to not take a shit on these guys and throw it up in their face that they are skinny, weak and running around on a pair of chicken legs.

So I'll lay it down right here.

If you want a jacked up upper body, you need a jacked up lower body to put it on.
You also need to work harder than all the guys that look the way you don't want to look.
You need to to do the training sessions that everyones hates to do because it's "too hard". Cry me a river, captain upper body.

Have you ever seen a house get built from the roof down? Not me.

I even used to work construction and I always saw the heavy and solid foundation get poured first.
And the work involved in building that foundation sucks. But guess what? If badass training was easy, everyone would look good.

Now I'm not saying you should ignore the "chest, arms and shoulers", but for lucifers sake, train your lower body too and train like someone has a gun to your head.

Lets take a look at some of the more well know badasses out there today and compare their training to yours.

Marius Pudzianowski, 5 time worlds strongest man. This guy not only kicks everyones ass in strongman competitions, he also puts to rest the idea that strongmen are fat slumbering slobs. He's about as jacked as they come.

Unfourtunately I couldn't get an interview with him about his trainning, but it is widely know that he performs many squats and deadlifts, as well as standing barbell pressing and olympic lifts as part of his non-specific strongman training.

He also performs excruciating conditioning work as part of his strongman specific training.

Marius did not get to where he is by doing Dumbbell flys and triceps kickbacks.

Brock Lesnar, former WWE superstar and current UFC competitor. If you didn't think this guys was the craziest form of a human you have ever seen from the first time you saw him....just log off here right now.

Not only is Brock a giant alien from another planet, he can also back up the tough guy image in the octagon.

I'm gonna let you watch some of his training for yourself.

Brock's training program is a little bit different that what we're used to seeing in the average gym, but the key is that it's hard goddamn work, and he aproaches it like a man on mission.

So, get off the seated triceps isolator machine and pick up a barbell, pick up a sledgehammer, hammer the heavy bag and train like a baddass.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Healthy Eating Article By Nutritionist Jayson Hunter

Eating Healthy During the Economic Crisis
Registered Dietitian Offers Nutritional "Bailout" Plan

Eating healthy is often determined to be too expensive for the average person. Fast food and foods loaded with fat and sugar tend to be inexpensive and always at hand.

Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter has created some tips for healthy and affordable eating. He is calling it his Nutritional Bailout Plan.
"Too many people think they can't afford to eat healthy, especially during this Economic Crisis", according to Hunter. "That's why Iwant as many people as possible to know about these tips for eating healthy."
The following healthy eating tips will help anybody lose weight fast during this Economic Crisis:

1 - Choose seasonal fruits to save on grocery bill costs with your grocery bill. Out of season fruits can add a good chunk to any food bill.

2 - Buy in bulk and freeze what isn't needed. This is easy to do with meats. When buying ten chicken breasts it lowers the cost per pound of chicken. Freeze the rest of the chicken that isn't going to be eaten in the next few days and then thaw what is needed for the next meal when necessary. Same idea works for beef and hamburger.

3 - Pay attention to sales. Many times, eating healthy can be easily accomplished just by focusing on special offers and coupons.

For more information on how to eat healthy during the Economic Crisis can download a FREE copy of Hunter's Rapid Fat Loss Starter Kit. It will help any person who wants to lose weight fast.

It is available free of charge at: Carb Rotation Diets

Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS is a registered dietitian and personal trainer with over ten years of experience. He specializes in helping men and women overcome the damage done by dangerous fad diets, so they can lose weight fast in a safe and healthy fashion.

Boot Camp WOD

Tabata Something Else
(20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest-8 rds)

Score Total Reps

Oh No, Here Comes The Snow

Well, the snow has started to fly in Renfrew County (Canada) and I'm already worried I'm gonna miss pushing the prowler.

For most of us in Canada and the northern U.S. prowler season is pretty much over. So here's my alternatives to pushing the lambo (our gym prowler is Lambo Orange so I call it the lambo):

-Rower sprints, we usually run 500m and 250m sprints with 2-4 minutes rests in between sets and work up to 3 sets of 500m when we are really pushing the conditioning and fatburn.

-Barbell, Dumbbell or Kettlebell complexes, the variety that's possible here is vast. You can blast your conditioning and work any weak points at the same time. I like to pick about 5-6 movements and blast out 5-10 reps per exercise as one giant set, usually completeing 3-5 rounds of the complex.

-The Ulitmate BootCamp WOD, when I'm in a hurry or looking for a change I'll throw down the WOD. Why not? I've usually pushed our campers through it twice during the day so it's fresh in my mind. It also gives me more arguing power in bootcamp if I do the work-outs too.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

UF BootCamp WOD

Turkish-Get-ups X 45sec/arm
Squats (20/30)
Push-ups (10/20)
Jumping Jax X 45 sec
Shuffle splits X 45 sec
Med-ball twist X 50
Med-ball slams X 20
JJ X 45 sec
SS X 45 sec
DB clean and press X 15
Sit-ups (20/30)
100 ropes
T-Get-ups X 45 sec/arm

No Non-sense, Just the way it is!

Welcome to the Ultimate Fitness Blog that I will use to share with you anything and everything related to training, nutrition, physical performance.

This will be the place where you can find an un-censored, no bullshit aproach to the methods and ideas that will push you to the next level. And it doesn't matter what your goals are. Most of the principles will be applicable to all aspects of training success.

You will want to check in for daily updates on training methods and routines, nutrition and diet ideas, recipes, and of coures insight, interviews pictures and videos.

We will cover training methods from powerlifitng, strongman, athletic performance, and Fat Loss.