Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Call To Action

Just the other day, a buddy of mine posted up a deadlift challenge on the Ontario Strongman forum. He challenged any taker's to race him to a 750lbs deadlift. (And you're damn right I took the challenge. I plan on beating his ass.)

His call to action is moving me and a few other dedicated individuals to aim high and keep shooting.

So I'm calling to action every single reader here on my blog.

I want you to do something you've never done before.

It doesn't have to be a 750lbs deadlift. But it has to be something that is just beyond your reach right now.
Something that is going to take a balls to the wall effort to achieve.

And the challenge is to get it done before the end of 2008.

Post your goal in the comments area of this blog entry, along with your real name and where you currently stand on the challenge.
example: I Paulv currently have a best Deadlift of 655lbs and did 620 for 2 last month. I am taking the call to action and plan on lifting 700lbs before the end of 2008. (I hope to lift this by X-mass)

I, Johnny X currently have a best 500m row time of 1:35. I am takin the call to action and plan on breaking the 1:30 mark by the end of 2008.

Grow a pair and take the challenge. We will all motivate each other to improve.

Post it in the comments section and then feel free to update your progress in the comments of the daily blog post.

I may have a prize for the most impressive challenge breaker.

Here's a motivational vid to get you in the mood for action.



Anonymous said...

Ok - it's nothing too impressive but, I, Tania L. can currently do 0 full & proper push-ups. I am taking the call to action to be able to complete 5 full & proper push-ups by Dec 30th, 2008.

Brentc said...

Hey Paul, best row is 1:27. Shooting for 1:25. Also, it is ahead of schedule, but on Dec. 29th I'm gonna try a 610 DL....

Great blog

Brentc said...

Did 1:26 on the rower @ U.F. yesterday. DL feeling good, 610 on the way!!