Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cardboard as my kindling

So yeah the blogging took a shitslide for a few days. I'm sure you can relate to this.
I'm not going to make an excuse, nor am I going to apoligize.

The more important question is, are you satisfied with what you achieved in 2008?

Did you move forward?

Did you break PR's?

Did you gain the mass you wanted?

Did you lose the fat you wanted to lose?

If you answered yes to most of the questions, good for you. I'd love to have you comment on the success.

If you answered no, do you know why you missed the mark?
Did you honestly cover all the bases and try your hardest?

I want this to be your wake up call for 2009. (Yeah it's early, but if you fail to plan, you plan to fail)

Write a list of goals for the year. Then break them down into smaller monthly goals.

Don't just sit there and say, oh yeah that's a great idea, and then keep surfing for some porn. Get off your ass and grab a paper and pencil and start writing it down. Post it on the fridge and get to work.

I want to light a fire under your ass for 2009 and I'm not going to use cardboard as my kindling.

If you need help, my door is always open.

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