Tuesday, June 2, 2009

4 World Records

The UF Crew was down in Toronto this past weekend so Sarah and Shane could compete in the CPO nationls (powerlifting).

This was the first time Sarah has competed in the CPO. Its a different federation than she normally lifts under, but the rules are basically the same. Especially since she was lifting RAW.

She weighed in at 66.8kg (147lbs), and was lifting in the 67.5kilo open womens class.
Here's the lifts she lifted.

Squats: 245lbs, 265lbs, 271lbs (missed the last one)
Bench: 165lbs, 175lbs, 187lbs (187 is a PR)
Deadlift: 321lbs, 335lbs, 341lbs (missed the last attempt)
Total: 787Lbs

All 3 lifts and her total are both Canadian and World Records.

Good Job Sarah! And as usual, she's not satisfied with the squat and dead, due to hitting better numbers in the gym. Now it's time to put a plan into action to get ready for the Ottawa Open in July.

Shane was competing in the 242lbs Men's open Pro class.
He Squatted: 804lbs, 860lbs, 900lbs. (The 900 was a Huge PR and also would've been a Cdn record)
His bench press didn't pan out and he missed all three attempts.

Time to re-fuckulate the carbonator Ricky. He will no doubt get the bench sorted out and be ready to go very soon.

I also want to mention a Douchenstein we call Beartrap. He's part of our strongman training group but also powerlifts with the Capital Barbell club from Ottawa.
He was also lifting in the Mens open Pro @ 242lbs. He had trouble with his squatting, which I thought he got robbed on the judgeing, but I'm not a judge. He's always whining about never getting props on the blog. I wouldn't call this props, since he bombed, but at least you got mentioned, cock-knuckles.

It was a really long meet, but was a good time. I really wish I would've entered and lifted Raw also. Lifting raw looks like a lot of fun.

If you want to lift, come out and lift at our Ultimate Fitness Push/Pull on Sunday June 14th, in Arnprior Ont. Shoot me an email for more details and to register.

Last Song I heard before bed last night

Is it fucking good, or what! The guitar gets rediculous around the 5:40 mark.
And Yes, Ozzy is wearing eye liner, you can too, when you start biting the heads off of live birds. (send me the vid and I'll post it up)

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