Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Big Balls`

Well the feedback from the previous post has been just as I intended it. I've heard back from a few good men and women that took the call to action and kicked ass last friday after seeing the video.

One guy got it all the way from India.

Here's a link to his blog post over on Kettlebellplantet.

I really love hearing about it when you get it right. I hope we always have something beneficial to offer.

In the meantime, lets talk about gaining some muscle mass.

My buddy Curd Hos of and current Ontario Bench press champion stopped by the gym today. He was delivering an order of supplements to me and while we were standing at the counter shootin' the shit, he called out a couple young bucks that were on the bench press.

He told them about a rep scheme that helps add muscle mass, strength endurance and helps you bench more weight for more reps.
Take a weight you can just get 10 good reps with, now try and hit 30 reps in as few sets as possible. If it takes you 7-8 sets and you're down to singles at the end, so be it. But whatever it takes this weekl, is the goal to beat for next week. Example, it takes you 7 sets to hit 30 reps with 225, then next week do whatever it takes to do it in 6 sets.

The young guy on the bench didn't take Curd seriously at first and continued with his usual bullshit routine. Curd then asked him if he would be willing to do the protocol if Curd jumped on the bench and pressed 4 plates (405) without a warm-up. Of course the young lads wanted to see this, and I think they were doubting. Curd took off his watch and smacked 2 reps with 405 without even swinging his arms around for a stretch. Needless to say the young guys did the 30 reps protocol.

Bob's your uncle!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Horn Blowin'

Yesterday, while eating one of my 7 meals, I was reading the elitefts Q&A. I came across a post by Joe Defranco that was titled, "Need a reason to train today?"

Of course it was a pump up video compiled of highlights of the training that goes on at his facility. Some of the noteables; Mike Guadango's 54" box jump, The Spoon running a 4.16 40yd dash, Deon Anderson, being Deon Anderson and most recently Brian Cushing's doing a really high seated box jump(with a weighted vest on).

It was a pretty damn good compilation. It definately gets the job done. I was pumped after watching it.

Check it out. Watch closely right around the 19 second mark. (This part is my personal favourite)

So obviously I was feeling pretty good about myself, having made the cut on a montage as good as this one. I immediately emailed Joe, and thanked him for including me in the Dirty Jerzy Highlight reel. I also told him that I would promptly be kicking ass in the gym, as the video is intended.

Here's a portion of his Reply;

You don't have to thank definitely DESERVE to be in that reel
amongst the best athletes/performances in the gym!! All the athletes
here were like, "who the fuck is that dude doing the trap bar
deadlift?!" HAHA!!

It sure made my day. And hopefully the vid will inspire you to kick some ass, today and all weekend.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

More 150 Action

Hopefully I'm not burning your interest in this blog to the ground with my recent batch of video posts.

I honestly don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, but I have not an ounce, of creative or even productive thought lately.

I've got 2 things on my mind all the time. (of course besides doing a good job of running my business)

1) Getting Sarah ready to win the nationals at the end of the month
2) Getting myself ready for the soon to start strongman season. AND SMASHING EVERYTHING IN MY PATH LIKE A RABID SASQUATCH! (I'm notorious for getting my mind so into a competition that all other aspects of my life suffer. Luckily it's only been my creative thought process so far.)

So here's a couple more vids. (Like logs on the fire)

150 DB rows for 20 reps

Sarah Squatting 345
And if you really are getting bored of these vids, quit being such a nancy and send my a vid of you doing something cool. Of course you'll be the only one interested in watching it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fern Boucher, Richard St.Cyr and Brent Cecchini

Here's some more action from the trenches.

I think Brent told me Fern is like 4000 years old. Brent came across him one day while fossil hunting.

Nice Work Fern!



Monday, March 16, 2009

Mayhem Mondays

I don't know about you but I thought this weekend was pretty awesome for outdoor training. We got outdoors for a couple of events on Saturday and then on Sunday I thought about pushing the prowler. It never happened because I ended up sleeping off some kind of stomach flu for most of the day.

I'm still getting a few vids from strong MF's that want to get famous here on SAS, but not nearly as many as I expected. Doesn't anyone have a camera? Or are you all just a bunch of weak little girls?

I'm going to get you started with a recent vid of my own. Nothing too exciting in the performance dept. but I was demonstrating that even with smashed and mangled fingers, one can still move some iron.

And here's Kapowski giving the brand new 150's a ride.

What did you do on the weekend?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

So True, and Funny as F**k

I was laughing so hard I was crying. It makes perfect sense.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

Darren Mallette

Darren was the first to answer the call

Friday, March 6, 2009

I'll Make You Famous

Okay kids, here's the deal.

I want to see your best lifting vids. Gym lifts, competition lifts, garage lifts, just bring it.

Talk is cheap.

Post your vids on Youtube and send me the links (

If I think your lifts cut the mustard, I'll feature your video in a future blog post.

Get off your ass and grab the camera, it's LIFTIN' TIME!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. My 150lb DB's have finally made it up all the stairs to the Renfrew Location. Come see if you can lift em!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Respect Yourself

Think about this for a second and see if it sounds like you.

Somebody says something really ignorant about you, but you let it slide because the confrontation isn't worth it.

You get screwed over by the phone company but you let it slide, because the few bucks you lose every month aren't worth the hassle.

I'm guilty.

I've been that guy. I rollover because it's not worth the hassle.

Why? I don't know. I would never do this in the gym. I would never skip a squat day because its not worth the hassle. I would never quit on set of rows because I didn't want to deal with the discomfort.

I've recently decided that if I have what it takes to step over any obstacle in the gym, why the hell should I not step over any obstacle otherwise.

I'm calling the phone company back and telling them the can stick it up their ass.
I'm placing a formal complaint about the poor service I get from the postal courier.
And if you talk smack on me, get ready to hear about, immediately.

Oh yeah and I'm gonna smash some fucking weights in the gym on Thursday night too.