Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh Poor Me!

I just want to share with you a story about a guy that trains in my gyms. A story about a guy who is mentally tough and makes no excuses. He just gets shit done.

He walked into my gym about 4-5 months ago, like many men in their late 30's and early 40's and inquired about getting some training to help lose some fat.
Almost everyday I hear a story about how some dude, used to be strong, used to play football in high school, used to be in great shape. But now being a lazy fat ass has caught up to them and their health and appearance has gone in the shitter.

So what set my guy apart from the rest? On that particular day, not a damn thing. He inquired, I showed him what we offer, he bought a small personal training package.
He was about 60lbs overweight and his knees were so bad he could barely walk up the stairs in his home.
We scheduled some appointments and got to work. Still nothing out of the ordinary.

Fast forward a couple of months and now we've got something to talk about.
This guy has lost a pile of weight (not sure on the exact amount but it's somewhere around 30lbs), he's now running upwards of 13 miles on the treadmill in a single session, and is looking like a totally different man. It's very inspiring. He really found the way to making himself better.
The coolest part is, he never makes excuses. He knows sometimes scheduling can be tough, especially when he works 12 hour days, goes to Karate 4 times per week with his daughter (they both do the Karate) and still manages to get to the gym to train with weights and run.
He told me today that it sometimes means hitting the gym at 4am. No big deal.

I love it.

What's stopping you?

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