Friday, February 20, 2009

Grow a Pair (Of legs)

Hey Chicken legs, check out this little paragraph I found on a training log today.

Coach Foley posted it and says he found it on a facebook profile.

I like it.

Your leg development is a direct reflection of your character. Weak legs mean a weak will. Show me a man whose upper body is larger than than his lower body and I'll show you a man who will settle for mediocre success in all walks of life. Never will he win a championship. Deficient legs are a sign that he cannot take the strain of a leg workout that would be of maximum benefit, because a good leg workout bears no resemblance to a good workout for any other body part. The only pure substance for your training, and the only faculty that produces mass and separation, is irrepressible lust to find masochistic ecstasy in a level of pain unendurable by any other human being. When you're pumped to a rage that melys your skull, blisters your eyes, and burns your thighs with a madness that makes you want to chew them off at the hips just to ease the agony, then you can go home. You've worked your legs!!

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