Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Still Kickin'

So..... I missed just over 1 month of posting here. That kinda sucks ass.

Not that I feel I need to justify myself to anyone but the shit-slide started out due to me not having any creative or productive thoughts to put down on the blog. Then it kind of spiraled further down the pipes as I fell out of the habit of hammering out daily ideas.

This is a good example of how developing good/productive habits is extremely important to becoming and staying succesful.

I broke the morining habit of hammering down my thoughts and the blog went to sleep.

Well this is the post that is proof to say I'm going to bring it back from the dead.

A lot has happened in the past month. It's been a whirlwind of chaos. And I've developed some new views and ideas that I will share here.

I also have a few vids and stories from competitions that occured recently.

So there it is. This is going to mark the beggining of the end of my shitnami of shitacular proportions.

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